Wednesday, June 29, 2011


So, here's what I think about the mentality surrounding breakups:

The media displays breakups to result in an over-exagerated hatred for the male gender, a compulsion to watch chick flicks all day long whilst plowing through boxes of tissues and chocolate, and many tears. And so most women come to copy this image when they go through breakup because 1) that's all they know how to do because that's what the media told them and 2) because their girlfriends encourage it, because that's all they know as well. And if any optimistic perspective of cleaning up and moving on presents itself, it comes at least a month later, as though there's a grace period permitting you to be pathetic because that someone that broke your heart made their problem your problem because you took it personally.
Granted, the hormone imbalance causes crying uncontrolably, been there done that, but I don't think crying was meant to indulge in. You cry as long as your meant to and then you stop, you don't force it or jumpstart it up again via tear-inducing products just so you can prolong the misery. I honestly think the healthiest thing to do, as blunt as it may be, is to analyze the situation without the rose-colored glasses.
 First and foremost reality to consider: if you have the intention of spending your life with one person and only one person some day, every relationship will end in breakup or marriage, no exceptions. Yes that does mean that if you date someone for the rest of your life, it doesn't fall under either category. Everything after that first reality are the flaws in the relationship/ the significant other that you weren't able to see when you were love-drunk.
1 or 2 days for crying and listening to the same sad song over and over again, of which the lyrics pertain perfectly, are acceptable. But after that, girl has to realize that it happened this way because it was meant to, the guy obviously wasn't good enough for her by some measure if he broke up with her, and seize the opportunity to do all the things she couldn't do when she was in a relationship, and maybe find herself again, find what was subconciously lost in the chaos of temporary happiness.
Life was meant to be embraced, even the terrible parts, and it's a waste of time to mourn for yourself. The memories were awesome, but they weren't all for naught. The experience got you where you are today, and made you the person you are today. That should be celebrated. Such things call for self-awareness that allows you to be REAL with yourself and everyone else.

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