Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Last Last Summer Concert- Ellie Goulding

Last night, I went with my dear friend to the Ellie Goulding concert at The Ogden Theatre in Denver. When I first heard her music, I wasn't convinced. She had a strange sound, and a strange voice. But I came to realize that was what made her so awesome. For those of you who don't know Ellie Goulding, she's an English indie-folk singer, with influence of electro pop. It's unique, needless to say.

First thought when I saw her: she's freaking gorgeous. Her blond side swept hair adds so much to her look, as well as her vintage punk fashion style. And her English accent is a treat and all, but I couldn't understand a single word she said.

I've been to the Ogden a few times, first for Need To Breathe,

which was an amazing concert, as well as Matt and Kim,

a band I had never heard of but instantly fell in love with based on their stellar performance, and the fact that the male pianist Matt and female drummer Kim, the only two people making up the band, are married, in a crazy music-crazed passion for performing and having a party. I personally love, and prefer, small venues, and the Ogden sets the atmosphere for connecting the audience to the performer, and to each other, and every concert I've seen there has been a memorable experience.

A band called "Bag Raiders"

opened for her, and half the concerts I go to, the openers are always sub-par. But these guys were awesome, and by the end of their gig, I was definitely wondering who they were, and considering buying their music. I looked them up when I got home, and whatever compelled me to do so, was the product of a great performance. You should all look them up if you like this genre of music.

The whole concert was awesome. My friend informed me that it wasn't her best performance, but there was reason behind this opinion: Ellie Goulding was sick, and the signs were obvious. Each song was flawless, but in between them, she stood with her head down, holding onto the microphone stand for balance in her disoriented state. It was difficult to watch as she tried to recover herself, and even more difficult to see her exit at the end in tears. All we could think was she must be exhausted from being on her Tour, and my friend and I agreed that we wouldn't have the capacity to survive the music industry. So considering everything, the concert was fantastic.

But I realized it may be the last summer concert of the last summer of my high school years. This thought only propelled my anxiety about going off to college.

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