Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Review of CSU Move-in :D

Pictures of the dorm room! Excuse the mess... :P

Alright, so I haven't been very connected to facebook and my blog lately because there has just been so much going on! But I have a free moment, so I wanted to summarize the events of the past four days.

Thursday was official move-in day for all freshmen, at least those who weren't working and got to move in early (the lucky bastards) It was chaos. Dorms opened at 8, but there were people waiting long before then, and we set out from the house at 7 to arrive at 8, but after we got through traffic, we were able to drop off all my stuff in front of the dorm around 9. When we got in, my roommate was there already. I had four people with me and so did she, so we had 10 people in the room at once, and needless to say, it was a little crowded. But eventually we conquered in shifts, and now the room looks great, thanks to the organizational skills of myself and my sister. It's great how space can be utilized to fit a lot into little space. Bins the key propellant, lots of bins. Went out to lunch with the fam, and stoped at Target to get some finishing touch supplies. Then we all packed into the auditorium for speeches from the president and vice president and other important people, which was followed by a family picnic. We ended the night with a "Carnival" involving games, and free stuff, rides, and music, but I invested most of the time in pickup games of beach volleyball. Met a lot of people which was great, and of course stayed up till about two in the morning.

Friday morning I learned that was a bad idea, because we woken up at 8 for breakfast. We had another welcome session for our individual colleges (mine being the College of Applied Human Sciences) in which we received even more speeches from the Dean and faculty, and then split up into our departments to hear from our academic adviser and tour the classroom facilities. This was a great session because I got to meet a lot of the other Interior Design majors, the people I will be spending most of my time with in classes. After that session, all the students came back together for lunch and a Street Fair, where there were tables of information for campus organizations, resources, and services. The beautiful Student Rec Center opened for two hours for just freshmen, and then after that, for the other classes. We then had an event in the evening called "Ramapalooza" where there was entertainment such as live performances, comedy, and magic shows, as well as artists, crafts, food and prizes.

Come Saturday, things began to finally slow down. This was good and bad, because we got to sleep in, but there was almost too much free time, which led to boredom. But there was the school tradition of hiking to "the A," a painted landmark that was placed on the side of the mountain when CSU were still the Aggies, an Agricultural School. They weren't allowed to remove it when they became Rams because pilots use it as a reference point. So we keep it up by repainting it ever few years, and the hike involved each person carrying up a white rock to place on the A. At 10 at night there was a "Ram Night at Super Target" which was an event in which students came to Target to buy stuff at supposed discount, but nobody actually saved that much money. But everyone did receive a couple free things, like vitamin water and other snacks.

Finally, Sunday was the most relaxed day. I just checked out the rest of Corbett and campus, and prepared for my classes the next day. Pretty chill...

I will post a first week review soon. :)...well at this point, I'll just do a review of my classes and professors/ all the exciting new things. Again, I apologize for the lateness, still settling into a routine, a lesson of managing my time better...

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